Question Time XIII – Podcasts

question time 13

I know I have just asked you about ‘tagging‘, but I really want to throw out another question to you, and therefore part 13 of this series arrives hot on the heels of the last part. I’m doing a little research into a subject I want to maybe get involved in soon. Market research you could say. I want to talk to you today about Podcasts.

I know a few of you take part in podcasts, either on your own site or for another site. There are people who review a load of current movies, people who talk about an old movie, and people who just get drunk and offer a running commentary of a movie of choice (and I LOVE what you do Eric!) 😉

I’m toying with the idea of starting a podcast for my site, but I’m not going to bore you with those details just yet. I’m really looking for your thoughts and opinions on podcasts in general. If you are part of one, what kind of podcast do you do? I’m happy for you to post a link to your podcast in here, as I want to make more of an effort in listening to them. In exchange for dropping your link, if you don’t mind sharing how you create yours i.e. what software you use, how do you edit it or just any advice for a total noob, I will be very grateful of the advice.

If you don’t run your own, do you listen to any podcasts? If so, what do you like and dislike in a podcast, and how long is too long? I’ve listened to some that have run for 90 minutes, and whilst time isn’t really an issue, my pet hate has got to be people eating and drinking whilst talking on a podcast! Pretty off-putting hearing people crunching and chewing into a microphone whilst talking about films. Just my thoughts, but is there anything that annoys you about other podcasts (obviously I don’t want you name dropping, unless its positive!).

If you don’t ever listen to any, do you have a particular reason for not being interested in the medium? Is it time, lack of interest or just not sure what the hell a podcast is? No one will be laughed at here, and I really want to get a variety of answers.

Ultimately I’m hoping to listen to your feedback, learn from it and eventually try to offer something of my own one day which I hope will be fun and original. I am only really aiming for the 10-20 minute running time with mine (the reason will become clear), and I guess asking this question will determine whether anyone is even interested in listening to podcasts! I look forward to your thoughts! 😛

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  1. jmount43

     /  March 3, 2013

    I have listened to a few. My problem is that I have no idea how to make a podcast. Do you fall asleep and wait for it to take you over?


    • I am the same. This is what I am hoping to learn, so I can find out how the hell people do it! If you get taken over in your sleep let me know how it works out for you John 😉


  2. I don’t listen to a lot of podcast’s, more YouTube channels but my advice would be to have a debate about the film with some other critics to have some different views jumping around 😀


    • YouTube channels of people reviewing movies? Yeah I’ve seen a few of those, be scary enough for me to talk and put it out there, no way I could video myself! 🙂

      Appreciate the thoughts there, like a podcast Face Off!! 😛


  3. theipc

     /  March 3, 2013

    Obviously – I like it much lighter, drunker and not so serious.


    • You can post your link since I mentioned you. Although your supposed to give me advice in return, but since you give me daily advice and inspiration you can do no wrong in my eyes! And I loved your podcast, you know it. FUN!


    • theipc

       /  March 3, 2013

      LOL –

      The way we did it – we loaded Garage Band on the Macbook. The Macbook has a built in Mic but one day I was feeling all fancy and went and bought this old timey looking standalone microphone. So we launch Garage Band and hit record and then just go after it. Since it’s obvious we don’t give a shit, I have never tried to edit any part of the recording. It doesn’t look like it would be too difficult though. Also, after you get the recording in Garage Band, you have to use iTunes (or that’s what I had to use) to convert the recording to an MP3 before you can post it out here.


      • That all makes more sense to me now I’ve turned on my Mac. Although I can’t install Skype so I turned it off but that’s another story and me being useless! Doesn’t bode well lol

        Cheers dude!!


  4. While I’m not a part of any podcasts, or have any idea how to even make one, the ones I do listen to normally discuss something I care about–whether it be movies, games, books etc.–while being both funny and informative. I’m also fine with any lengths; sometimes I want an hour long discussion, other times twenty times is good. Just as long as the topic takes I guess. And yeah, eating and drinking is never cool. That’s the last thing I want echoing in my headphones. Haha! 🙂


    • Funny & informative. You know I will be delivering that 😉

      Glad I’m not alone with the food thoughts, just not something I want to hear. Thanks for the input William, much appreciated my friend 🙂


  5. would love to do one myself one day if ever I can justify it. Really good idea Tyson, but I don’t have much to offer in the way of help here as well…I know little. I would love to see how you get on though and you can count on me as listener.


    • I’m not sure I can justify it lol, but I haven’t heard anything similar to what I want to do so who knows, might just be a one off before all the complaints makes me never do another!

      On a serious note I am hoping the tips here will really help, and maybe not just me, if someone who has no idea either picks up some tips then its been more than worth it!

      Cheers buddy, appreciate that! 🙂


  6. Thomas Priday

     /  March 3, 2013

    I’ve seem a few. I’d like to do one soon.


  7. I’m part of the (title pending) Movie Podcast with Tank and Fogs. We’ve been cranking them out every week for a year and a half or so. It’s an entirely different set of challenges from blogging, LOL. Have fun if you do start one… I know I’ll check it out. 😀


  8. kloipy

     /  March 3, 2013

    I’ve been on a few podcasts myself, plus some where we did interviews. I love listening to podcasts. Anything on is hilarious and awesome. Also The Beerists is one of my favorites.


  9. The only podcast I listen to is Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier’s SMODcast because those two are absolutely hysterical. I’m not a fan what-so-ever of his movies but Smith as a person is genuinely one of the funniest people out there, worth checking out! If I were to give advice, try to keep the topics interesting and funny. No one wan’t to hear anyone talk about Gone with the Wind for 2 f*cking hours.


    • I like a couple of his movies 😉

      I was going to invite you to come and talk about ‘gone with the wind’ for 2 hours, you not interested?! 😉

      Cheers Ryan


  10. I don’t do podcasts personally. I do listen to them and right now, its mostly TPMP and thats usually around an hour 30 mins. Having a co-host helps so its like a conversation. And I’d say I love the extra segments that give it a new spin once in a while. As long as its fun and lighthearted, like you are enthusiastic about it and it shows then everyone will love it as well 🙂


    • I will be with guests, if there is one thing I’ve picked up its more fun listening to people rather than one person!

      Cheers Kim 🙂


  11. Hey Tyson, we need to chat sometime about a podcast. I host 2 (As You Watch and the very new KTZR) as well as have been a guest on multiple episodes of the LAMBcast and Surfing Aliens. My biggest piece of advice is just finding someone you click with immediately (if you’re looking for co-hosts). a fluid conversation is the biggest key. Either way, good luck and we’ll talk in more detail later on. They are fun, yes.. but the editing is one big ol’ bitch.


    • Cheers Nick, more to find and listen to. That’s perfect, trying to find as many as possible now, best way to learn is by listening to those with experience.

      Appreciate the advice and will definitely be in touch to run my ideas past you. I’m hoping its original ish but you will have a better idea than me. Thanks buddy 🙂


  12. I haven’t listened to many… a few here and there when they first started showing up on various blogs & webcomics back in the day. The only one I’ve listened to more than once has been Fogs and Tank. The format doesn’t really lend itself well to me, because I don’t have any mobile devices, and if I’m at home at my PC, I’d rather focus on whatever I’m looking at. Maybe if they were shorter, but I’ve never come across any 15 minute ones, you know?

    As far as making them goes, I can’t ever imagine being on a regular enough posting schedule to do one myself. Unless I was an Ed McMahon who just showed up on someone else’s to laugh at their jokes while they did all the real work.


    • I like the ones I can download and put on my ipod for when Im in the gym. I am also aiming to hit the 15 minute or so segment, in the hope that people normally put off by 90 minute ones could squeeze in a shorter one.

      Appreciate your feedback buddy, cheers! 🙂


  13. When my two friends and I had the previous Derby Killer site going, we tried to do a podcast once a month, and it was basically the three of us discussing a chosen recent release, then chatting about movie-related topics after that. Unfortunately, our podcasts tended to run long (sometimes up to two hours…WAY too long!), and I tried to get us to cut that down to thirty minutes or less, but that never happened. Then the whole concept just sort of fizzled out.

    The way I would’ve wanted it was, we’d have a weekly podcast of a half hour, with each of us discussing a film we’d seen the previous week, for five minutes each. Then we’d spend the remaining 10-15 minutes discussing random film topics, or upcoming releases, or whatever. We may still go back to a podcast, actually; it just depends on whether the friend who owns that old site finds the time to turn it into a podcast-only site.

    The bad thing is, I never have the time to listen to other podcasts; as it is, I can barely find the time to run the DK blog!


    • Sounds like you’re talking yourself into doing them again!!

      Time seems to be the main concern. I really hope that by offering a 15 – 20 minute one it may find the audience. Even if that audience is 2 people, as long as they like it!!

      Cheers Todd, valuable feedback as always my friend! 🙂


  14. I’ve listened to a couple but I probably couldn’t do one… mostly because I stutter a lot.


    • Really? Damn that would be hard for you. Not even comparable but I worry I swear too much when talking…..not good.

      Cheers buddy


  15. I actually don’t listen to too many of them, not sure why I just prefer to read stuff, ahah. I’ve been asked once to do a podcast but I don’t think it’s my thing, I can’t stand my own voice, ahah. I don’t mind listening to interviews w/ filmmakers/actors though, I just don’t go out of my way to seek ’em out.


    • Thats my worry, but surely no one likes the sound of their own voice! Maybe I can alter it in the edit so I sound like Bane! Lol, thanks for your thoughts Ruth 🙂


  16. I’m anti-schedule so if I’m going to listen to a podcast, it’ll be after it’s over when I get around to it. Some people are really into them. Just not me.


    • I’m hoping mine would just be embedded into a post on my site. Then people could listen whenever they have a free 10 minutes or so. That’s the plan anyway! 🙂


  17. I should mention that Garry and I do an actual radio show half a dozen times a year. Lately it’s been Garry alone because I’m too tired to stay up all night talking about movies and television, but that’s an actual broadcast with call ins from all over the US. I think anyone can hear it through the magic of the internet. Next time we do it, in a couple of weeks, I’ll send you a link. No idea what time it would be on that side of the pond, probably early morning because its very late at night here.


    • Yeah Garry has mentioned the show, always sounds great but would be crazy early in the morning here. But as long as its online we can listen anytime, that sounds fun!


  18. Interesting question… My daughters boyfriend used to do a podcast. I listened to it once or twice and I do like the idea. It is fun to listen to intelligent people discussing movies, games, et al in an was that is edifying and amusing (if possible) I have absolutely no idea how you’d do it unless you did a conference call and recorded it via garageband and edited (?) 😀


    • There will be no intelligent people offering fun here 😉

      You know I have been asking your advice on all things Mac, and yeah I was thinking along the lines of skype or voice chat. Kind of like how you did your video blog the other day, without the video bit lol. I have seen that garageband is installed, maybe once I start messing round I can figure it out. Or more likely take up the offer from people on here to ask them for advice! Probably easiest!

      Cheers Mike 🙂


  19. Podcasts aren’t really my bag man. Only because I don’t have time and nobody would want to listen to my broad Glaswegian accent 😉 I listen to them occasionally though and they definitely serves good purpose. I’ll never be involved though.


    • Who WOULDN’T want to listen to your broad accent! I would just want you to say ‘theres been a murder’…….

      Racism over lol. I always felt its something I would never do, and Ive been asked crazily enough to go on a few. But I’m going to do a test one and throw it out there. My photo was much harder to put out there and that was pretty well received. Hopefully my voice isn’t too bad 🙂

      Cheers Mark


  20. I used to listen to 45 minute podcasts about cultural affairs…until I realized that they were total time sucks. I now only listen to film interview podcasts because I can learn something. I also listen to comedy and vlog style podcasts on Soundcloud and am planning to start my own Q&A series with special guests. I’m hoping to run each episode at 30 minutes or less…with emphasis on the “less.” I wouldn’t want to get tired of listening to my own podcast, lol. The voice recorder app on iPods/iPhones, Pads, etc. work very well. I’ve read great things about Audacity for audio editing, so that might help you. I tried to use it and it was a frustrating experience. It seems to work wonders for those who understand how to use it.


    • Your Q& A sounds fun! Your thinking along similar lines to me time wise. The Audactiy info is much appreciated, Ill have to look into that. Although I’m not a fan of frustration!!

      Thanks for the comment 🙂


  21. Mike

     /  March 4, 2013

    I had no experience when taking on the podcast I currently do ( which means anyone can do it. There are however some crappy ones out there and you should do some heavy homework by listening and reading on how to create a good show before getting started.


  22. I used to co-host a podcast called The Film Brief. I don’t have a link, but if you search on iTunes you can find it. Have recently pulled the pin, because Jon the host moved cities and we were having too many technical difficulties compared to when we were recording in one room. In regards to time, I think that the worst thing that you can do is try and constrain yourself to a set time. There are some really good, really quite long podcasts, like the slash filmcast. But often people just string it out waaay too long. Likewise, people will often cut things short because they’ve reached their ‘time limit’, but the discussion is still really interesting.


    • My issue is I wont be in the same room (or country) but I still hope it will work. I wouldnt worry about there being any interesting discussions going on with mine! LOL – but I appreciate the tips here buddy, much appreciated. Really hoping I can put all this feedback to use and make something that isn’t awful.

      Cheers 🙂


      • You can still definitely make it work. Just need to have the patience to iron out the technical kinks is all. Plenty of people manage to record podcasts successfully from across the country or the world.

        Really looking forward to what you come up with man.


        • Thanks buddy. Practice makes perfect, and I will certainly tinker with it enough to try and iron out kinks.

          Just hope people like it 🙂


  23. My buddies and I gave it a shot for a little bit, but we never really went anywhere with it. We mostly talked music, but we did some other things as well. I think you should do a podcast for your site. You can use Google Chat and record it through -I think- Garage Band. I think that’s how we did it. Good luck.

    Here’s a link to our site if you want to check it out (not very professional, but we were more or less using it just to catch up and chat).


    • Thanks for the tips buddy. I’ll be sure to check your out, really want to listen to as many as I can. 🙂


      • Our stuff isn’t great, my friends kid was up when he was doing it so she makes an appearance, we ramble some, very amateur. If you do listen shoot me an email and let me know what you think of them.


  24. I tend to go for podcasts that are 30 minutes to an hour because I like to listen when I go running. I also like the ones that discuss more obscure ones – one of the best ones I ever heard was a group talking about Elvira and some new girl that had ripped off her schtick, lol. It was great!


    • Imagine the day soon when you can go running listening to my dorky English accent and more importantly my very special guests voice 😉


      • English accents are NOT dorky, Tyty. Don’t you understand I am an American girl and we *swoon* over English accents?? Seriously, that’s the only reason I stayed as long as I did with the English guy when I was in my 20s! 😉 And looking forward to the podcast!


    • Apologies, sure I replied to this! But I dont believe you are not still in your twenties!! 🙂 (English guys are charming you’re right!)


  25. Derek

     /  March 12, 2013

    I tend to listen to podcasts when on the elliptical machine at the gym so I usually like them to be somewhere from 45 minutes to an hour and get a decent mic, I have been turned off from more podcasts where the mics are just terrible.
    And don’t laugh every 2 seconds like a madman. One of my favorite podcasts devolved into this horrible hour of the hosts going into laughing fits constantly over lines that are not and could never be funny. It made me end my sub because I just couldn’t take it.


    • No one will be laughing……. 🙂

      Thanks for that feedback Derek, very insightful. Much appreciated and will try bear it in mind when I do mine.



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