Question Time XXVI – Why do you blog?

question time BANNER

Our main man Tyson is out for a bit, dealing with some personal importance and when I asked if I could help him out, he couldn’t fund me a trip to the top of England so he suggested writing up a post to feed his hungry readers. So I agreed and, while I would never be able to fill his lengthy (saddle-backed) shoes, I hope this will work for you. This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while and figure that this is a good place to ask the question – WHY do you blog?

Here’s my story: when I first started at the place I work at, we were small and start up and basically free to do what we wanted in this emerging industry. Then, everything got popular and the product went nuts and we got bigger and bigger which meant more employees – and more high level management, which also meant more HR policies and policing. Eventually we got bought and then bought again and now there’s so much red tape that you can barely send an email without having to have some lawyer proof it to make sure no one’s gonna get sued.

Anyway, a few years ago, when the company robots started policing our emails and instant messages, I created a website over on iWeb so my three friends and I could go on and on and on about shitty movies we’ve watched and wouldn’t get in trouble with our work servers. No one ever looked at it besides us (that I know of) and we had good fun until Steve Jobs shut down iWeb.

Eventually I migrated those 60 or so posts over to WordPress and we kept pressing on and then one day a blogger going by Aloha Mister Hand came through and gave me a “like” and I was all WTF??? (You never forget your first like!!) Believe it or not, I am actually a really shy fucker so I figuratively peeked over my computer monitor and cracked open my office door and snuck over to her site and gave her a like back and then I looked around and liked some other folks and followed their sites and I eventually realized that it’s OK to interact with other people (I sit in a room by myself all day) and maybe even call them friends and not be a hermit and now look at us getting together and throwing SHITFESTs…!

SO… WHY do YOU blog? Are you in it for the hits? Fame and popularity? Is your blog a journal? If you do movie blogs – are you looking to become the next Roger Ebert? Do you just like the community or are you trying to make a stand about something?

I have never been in this for the traffic, like I said earlier, this was only ever intended to be for a small group of friends so if I get any traffic or comments and such I feel incredibly proud. A few months ago the boys and I were messing around with interactive sites and we put a few of my posts on reddit. Sure I got a couple of 1,500 hit days but they were all empty hits and none of those people came back so I felt like my site was getting a prison rogering for no good reason. I prefer it like it is where my friends come around and we talk about something – you know, like a nice bistro where you can get some real French Onion Soup and a cold beer in a cold glass and everyone knows your name. I just want to be creative and interact with you and have good fun.

Why do YOU blog?

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If you would like to see all the other questions from this series, please click HERE and check them out!

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  1. Great question, I would say I blog to spread the word about movies I have enjoyed and hear the opinions of other bloggers.


  2. jmount43

     /  September 30, 2013

    I’m not really sure why I blog but I can tell you why I started. I started because my boss at my old job has a political/religious blog and I was reading it one day and thought ‘I can do this.’ Three years later come November and I am still doing it.


  3. At first it was meant to be an easy way to share reviews between two friends and I, instead of typing up an actual physical guide for ourselves every year; then, friends and family became interested, and then a small pocket of film lovers and bloggers showed up, too, which was cool. Now, I’m on a little bit of a hiatus while I revamp the site, but the idea will remain the same: share my reviews with a small group of friends, family, and blogger friends I’ve made, and in the long run, with anyone else who’s interested as well!

    Nice of you to help out, theipc! And good luck, Tyson, wherever you are!


  4. I don’t know, actually. At first, it was more of a hobby I just did to help me learn to write and understand movies, now, it’s something of a job. I get into screenings, get advertisements, actually do get paid for some stuff, and get published in my local paper. It’s weird, actually. But my blog has changed my life for the good and it’s something I’ll never regret, ever.


    • theipc

       /  September 30, 2013

      That’s a fantastic story!! Congrats!! I feel the exact same way about how this thing we do has changed my life – for the better and I love it!

      Thanks Dan!


    • I’m jealous you get all that good stuff because of your blog. Makes me want to up my game!! 🙂


  5. I initially just shared my thoughts on a movie on Facebook with friends and when I had some times on my hand I decided to try blogging. Loved all the interaction and initially enjoyed looking at the numbers, although that has become less. I like sharing my thoughts and finding out what other people think of them. It’s also cool when you write about a movie someone has not seen yet and they decide to check it out (and hopefully like it).


  6. I’d be doing the world a disservice if I didn’t impose my opinion on people. 😉


  7. strawberrypiemovies

     /  September 30, 2013

    In truth, I started blogging in the first place because my college lecturer suggested I have something to show the university people to show us film students aren’t all idle. I really enjoyed it and streamlined my efforts and also did a book blog too. I enjoy doing it, especially if I find a film or book I haven’t read in years. I am proud that my movie blog has broken the back of 1,500 views. Every little helps. I’m not doing it for the views of the follows, but it is great to see that people actually read my ramblings.


  8. Abbi

     /  September 30, 2013

    I started blogging when I moved from South Africa to the UK as a way of proving to my friends and loved ones that I was not dead without having to contact them all individually. And then I kind of got addicted to it… and now it’s been 6 years. Although only the last 4 years are on the current iteration of my blog. It started out as more of a journal but has now developed some pretty clear themes – food, fashion, film. It’s quite hard to explain why I do it because I am also definitely not in it for the traffic. I guess it’s like having a little soap box.


  9. I do it for the cash, the stacks and stacks of cash. And to honor Jesus.


    • theipc

       /  September 30, 2013

      Right, right. To honor Jesus………………… or to finance your porn empire!!!


      • Yes, which also honors Jesus, especially when people yell, “JESUS that guy has a huge dong!”


        • theipc

           /  September 30, 2013

          This is Tyson’s site so I am not sure how salty we can get but here’s a true story. While I have never watched porn in my life this one time I was watching a porn and this guy was supposed to be a movie producer and he was going after this starlet – um – French Style. In the background, on his wall was a poster of the movie SCANNERS and I swear to god he had the biggest dong I have ever seen, not that I was looking. Anyway, every time I see Michael Ironside in a movie I am reminded of that scene that I have never watched.


        • His dong was so big it made her head explode!


        • theipc

           /  September 30, 2013


          She wasn’t loving it, I can tell you that but I never watched it.


        • Salty as you like Eric. Thats a great story. Imagine if you DID watch porn, you’d have even more stories 😉

          Go jesus!! 🙂


  10. If I was blogging for money or hits I would have quit long ago. 😛 I use WordAds on my blog, but it brings in a whopping $3 – $5 per month. My only hope in joining that program was to make enough cover my annual domain name bill, though, so it works out fine.

    I started my blog because I had a lot to say about movies and no one to say it to. None of my friends are into film, and certainly not films as old as the ones I love, so I felt like I needed an outlet for my thoughts. This is still the reason I blog — just to collect my own thoughts and opinions. I’ve got a few additional goals now, like introducing my regular readers to films they’ve never heard of and discovering new films from their blogs, but mostly I just do it because I enjoy it. I like to write and I like to watch a lot of movies, so blogging is a fitting hobby for me.


    • theipc

       /  September 30, 2013

      It’s a perfect fit! The people I wanted to talk to about the movies I see are all over the country I live in so it worked great for me too. Thanks for commenting!


    • I never see ads on your site Lindsey. I have been approved for Wordads but I worry what it will look like for my readers. Any money would be nice though 🙂


      • They’re not too intrusive. Just little videos at the bottom of each post, and they don’t use autoplay. When I signed up I was worried people would be annoyed by them, but most of my readers are fellow bloggers so I’m sure they understand the need to make up site costs. I haven’t had any complaints!


        • I know we all have (unless we pay to opt out) the little ads under the post anyway, I may aswell try and make money from them!! Thank you, I might set it up until someone complains 🙂


        • Yeah, you should definitely take advantage of it since you’ve been approved!


        • I’m guessing people need to click on them for you to make money? What is to stop people abusing it and clicking it themselves? I need to read the rules 🙂


        • You get some credit for page views (they call it “impressions”) and more credit if people click on them. You don’t get credit for viewing your own blog or clicking them yourself unfortunately 😛


        • Thanks again, saves me looking it up! I’ll stick them up, and would visit yours to get you some money but my laptop must block them 🙂


  11. Oh God, I HATE it when someone shares one of my articles to Reddit. I would never do it myself, because I’d be afraid of ending up a meme.
    However, as to the question, I started blogging because I have a B.A. in English lit and I couldn’t think of anything else that was constructive to do with it. I’m a stay-at-home mom, I do volunteer work, but it is blogging that makes me feel productive in a pseudointellectual way. Also, I have the added benefit of having made friends. I worked in a video store in the 90s, one that dealt almost exclusively in cult videos and porn, and blogging brings back the weird conversations I used to have with customers and coworkers at that fun job.


    • theipc

       /  September 30, 2013

      “a video store in the 90s, one that dealt almost exclusively in cult videos and porn”—- NICE!

      I am very glad you do what you do – did I ever tell you that you were my first “stranger” comment on my site? And look at us now : )


      • Wow, I remember when we started talking. I was eating at Olive Garden and messing around on my phone, like, “Danny, there is this guy on WordPress who likes Exorcist 3! Let’s have some more of that Moscato!”


    • I started using Reddit a lot, but boy are the people harsh on there with their comments!! Ruthless, my reviews got torn to shreds 😦


  12. For me, it’s an archive of sorts. Just spoken through a look through the popular arts.


  13. I write my blog to make myself happy. But I’ve always written, all my life. Mostly in private. Someday I hope to be published. Preferably not for the smut I scrawl on bathroom walls around the city, but something halfway decent.
    Blogging is time that I enjoy thinking about things in my own private space. I didn’t think I’d cyber meet so many great peeps either, but now that I have I’m totally hooked on reading a bunch of great blogs too. It really surprises me to find out that you’re so shy in real life because your blog is so outgoing!


    • theipc

       /  September 30, 2013

      I grew up pretty much all by myself so its always been hard for me to make friends – it usually takes me a while to get close to someone. The blog has really opened me up to different things. My wife is very proud of me for doing this and interacting with people.

      Now – let’s talk about this smut you scrawl on bathroom walls. Examples, please.


  14. drakulus23

     /  September 30, 2013

    I blog to keep my writing skills sharp and because I love games/movies, and I like writing about them. My very first day blogging I got like 7 views :]


    • theipc

       /  September 30, 2013

      That’s awesome! I remember it took me about seven days to get seven views : ) and I think that was mostly my wife : )


      • drakulus23

         /  September 30, 2013

        Lol, I know what you mean. I think it was my wife too but she will never tell me :]


    • 7 views!! Show off 🙂

      My wife has given up reading my site now, unless Keanu Reeves is in the movie. Which he never is 😉


  15. I used to have an answer for this, but it seems at this point demonic possession is the likely suspect. I can’t seem to stop, even though whatever original intent I had has been forgotten. I can no longer control my need to post things. I need an exorcist. Know any?


  16. Well, I started to blog because I needed an outlet for my movie opinions. No one in my real life could keep up with me so I decided to start the blog. I also tied in a New Year’s Resolution to keep myself motivated, thus my 366 reviews in 366 days. As for my motivation and reasoning now, it’s just become such a big part of my life that I don’t even think about it. Why do I blog? Why don’t I blog.


    • theipc

       /  September 30, 2013

      Excellent and I completely agree – it’s such a big part my of life I don’t know what I would do if I wasn’t. I always find it so strange and mystifying when prolific folks just suddenly up and disappear one day…


  17. Boredom mostly


  18. I used to be in the music business and ran a print music magazine, Guitar-2001 Magazine. I had 14 writers and sold ad space and played gigs, released CDs on my own indie label – oh, God, this is going to turn into a long story. Lets just say that people in the music business constantly try and screw each other (and I’m not talking about the sex). I had a motorcycle accident and with the nerve damage, it was clear my days of playing guitar were nearly over. What really helped was two movies for which I am indebted for – ‘The Wrestler’ was one – I was way past my 15 minutes of fame and suddenly saw myself as the rock music equivelant to Randy the Ram, trying to recapture my heyday in the 1980’s. The second was ‘The Story of Anvil.’ When you see the ridiculousness of these guys fighting with club owners for thier promised pay, loosing equipment, struggling to survive – I asked myself, what am I doing in the middle of this insanity. So, after 25 years of making music and being involved in music, I completely removed myself from the scene. There was a huge void in my life, so I decided to look at my second favorite thing, horror movies, horror art, horror novels, (sci-fi too). But, I didn’t want it to be a career or feel like I needed to make money from it – I just wanted to enjoy it. I also looked back into my youth to things I liked before music had taken over, monster models, paleontology, writing. In a way I’m revisiting my youth and reinventing myself. I don’t know what I will turn into but I need to not have any of the pressure associated with my old life. So far, this is enjoyable 🙂 As long as its enjoyable I will keep blogging. The day it becomes a chore, I will stop.


    • theipc

       /  September 30, 2013

      That’s a great story except for the motorcycle wreck. I agree with you 100%, if this ever gets to be a chore I’ll stop. So far it’s been great to stay creative and sharp. Well – I hope so anyway.


      • I have to tell you, all you guys make it enjoyable and easy for me. We can disagree about films and no one gets their back up. I like to read and comment on everyone’s posts. I’ve checked out blogspot and don’t see the same scene that has started here.


    • Great story dude, aside from the accident as Eric says.


  19. The Heretic

     /  September 30, 2013

    I have three blogs each with a differing reason behind it. But if I had to boil it down to one reason it would be to filter out the negative things so I can focus on the positive. In a way a type of therapy.


  20. I started my blog because I got sick of being like, “Hey, did you hear about…” and the return answer was always no. I figured if I wrote it down in a place where people could read it I might get a yes for once. Now it has sort of turned into a beast of its own and what keeps me going is because of all the people who stop by to talk movies. It’s a great community and I’m happy to be a part of it.


  21. I blog now because it makes me feel good. It helps me expresss all thise passions I have and find time to do the things I love and that helps me stay positive. Funny how its turned not as personal because when I first started blogged on msn myspace before it got moved to wordpress..I was just writing journals on a completely random and irregular basis. Now its also to interact and just have fun 🙂


  22. Nice question. I started a blog because I wanted a place to express my opinion on movie and TV reviews. I’ve been on wordpress for over two years and have learned and seen much more movies based on recommendations for other bloggers.


  23. Here’s the long version. I started way back when because AOL was cool and gave you free webspace, so I had to put something in it. A couple years later, I was big into RPGs, especially some of the less popular ones that weren’t Final Fantasy and started reading & writing fanfiction, so I had to make a website for that. Years later, I was playing City of Heroes and had the itch to write again so I wrote a series of essays comparing and contrasting City of Heroes to World of Warcraft. Not too long after that I decided I wanted to do something with movies since I had a large movie collection, I figured I’d also tie it in with City of Heroes so I decided to focus on superhero movies, as there aren’t a lot of sites that focus on that specifically.

    The short version, I enjoy writing, I enjoy movies, and I enjoy having a web presence where I can interact with other people from across the country and across the world that share the same interests as myself.


  24. I was inspired by reading the reviews from great movie critics like Roger Ebert, Michael Phillips and Dana Stevens. I said why not give it a try myself. Enjoying it a lot so far!


  25. Hmm, good question. My blog has evolved quite a bit over the years, starting out as more of a personal journal and used mainly the same way that modern social media sites like Twitter and Facebook are used now. Then as time progressed, I decided to focus my blog quite a bit, at first focusing mostly on wrestling, and then shifting over to movies as my interests gradually veered that way. At first I posted solely for friends only, but have since tried to reach out to a broader audience, while still sticking to only posting things of personal interest, so that my blog hopefully never feels like I’m forcing any content out there. So yeah, I suppose I blog in the hopes of reaching an audience and connecting with others by sharing my thoughts and opinions on things.

    Also, and honestly most importantly, because it’s fun. 🙂


  26. One of the biggest reasons for me is that I have an awful memory and so it helps me keep a rough record of what I watched and my thoughts on it. I also got into it to keep my writing skills sharp. I have always wanted to do a job with some form of creative writing and I wasn’t doing anything like that at the time so I set up the blog to keep my hand in. And now it’s just great chatting to like minded people!

    Come for the fame, stay for the friends 🙂


  27. I suppose I should answer this. I just wanted somewhere to share my inane thoughts on movies that I felt most people wouldn’t go out of their way to watch. Sure, I have some classic movies we all know and love on here, but just pointing even one person towards a Martyrs or a Loved Ones makes it all worthwhile!

    Thanks again for hosting this Eric, been a great success and loads of nice answers! Might have to hire you again 🙂


    • theipc

       /  October 1, 2013

      Just give me the word, my main man – this was good, clean fun. Except for Brian. Filth.


      • You ever think of a good question you want to ask, let me know. Not a lot we can do about people like Brian though. Just one of lifes mysteries 😉


  28. Great question! I’m w/ Lindsey, if I was blogging for money or hits I would have quit long ago too. 😛 Well I started my blog as a hobby as I like to talk about movies w/ fellow movie lovers. I think I’ve become sort of a comment addict, ahah, I enjoy the community aspect of blogging, exchanging comments about one of my favorite things in life. I’ve also been blessed to get free press screenings and also becoming the official blogger at my local film fest (TCFF) that’s launching its fourth annual event in 3 weeks! So yeah, I blog because it’s been a rewarding experience and *meeting* fellow bloggers from all over the world, such as yourself and Tyson 😉


  29. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t check the hit count every once in a while, but I ultimately got started because (i) I love movies and (ii) I love writing. Simple, but there you go. The community on here has been the biggest (pleasant) surprise; even though I haven’t met you guys, I have a genuine warmth to many people on here; people who feel the same way about film that I do. That’s why blogging is such a great tool.


    • Once google images changed and my stats went down I was a little annoyed, but then my likes/comments kept increasing and it showed all those empty numbers werent worth worrying about. As you say, chatting with people who love film is a great thing, long may it continue 🙂


  30. Victor De Leon

     /  October 4, 2013

    Whoa. So many great comments and some very deep insight. I suppose this is where I should wax philosophic, huh? I guess I blog because I love to communicate. I love to debate, discuss and inform. I blog to provoke something within all of us that when it is exposed to art leaves an immense impression. I blog because I like the small, overlooked, seldom seen, under-rated movie. I want people to know about how film has impacted and brought together so many people from so many diverse backgrounds. I blog because I share something powerful, profound and enlightening with you, Tyson and everyone else here. The love of movies and people. I blog because it’s my God given right to do so! 🙂


    • Lazy Eric is the author so I didnt get the notification for this. Apologies for leaving you hanging Vic, just blame that damn IPC fellow 😉

      Great response, and I’m glad to have found you and your blog Vic, I god damn love your profound offerings! 🙂


  31. I’ve got a great sob story if anyone wants to hear it! Somehow a couple of years ago I got cancer which meant I was off work for 6 months treatment. After about two months of lying in bed all day everyday I got really bored! I didnt have an outlet to spew out my amazing opinions and I was watching loads of films. So I wrote a review and it was actually pretty good. I set up a WordPress account and slowly got the hang of it. Plus I created the whole blog on my phone!

    So basically what I’m saying is that I just like discussing movies. I want as many people as possible talking about films even if its to tell me I’m completely wrong. The coolest part of it all is the amazing people I’ve chatted to and the brilliant blogs I’ve discovered. All I’ve ever wanted is someone to discuss Commando and Predator with and through my blog I’ve found loads of you.

    Apologies for the length of this 🙂


    • First of all, as I just explained to Vic above, Eric is the author here so I wasnt notified of your response, hence no reply sooner. Sorry about that Mikey, and please make Eric pay and unfollow him for a while! 😉

      As for your comment, holy shit dude!! I hope your OK now, sounds like youve been through hell. I love your positivity and why you started blogging, and Im glad you did. Take it easy Mikey, and dont forget, boycott IPC 🙂


  32. I really enjoy discussing films with other movie fans. Blogging gives me the opportunity to express my own thoughts in depth.


  33. I started blogging just so that I could promote my Vimeo page and my short films. Then I realized I needed to do something else so I started reviewing movies (especially those on the 1001 Movies list), being a film major and all. It helps me to gather my thoughts and present them in a cohesive manner. I found that I write better and can communicate my thoughts better when talking with others as a result of starting my blog.


    • Thats an interesting way of doing things Thomas. Pretty cool you’ve made some short films, I’m still trying to edit my honeymoon video from nearly 2 years ago. I get distracted easily…….

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing 🙂


  34. The Otaku Judge

     /  July 25, 2014

    I have always enjoyed writing reviews. It’s great that the net allows writers/critics to share their opinions with a wider audience. The main appeal of creating a blog is getting feedback from people with similar interests. Blogging is also appealing as it allows you to get free review copies, earn tons of cash and attract plenty of chicks… maybe.


    • theipc

       /  July 25, 2014

      There’s nothing better than picking up some WordPress groupies 🙂 🙂


  1. Why do you blog? – a question asked by headinavice | Useless Talent #666

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