The Divide (2011)

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The Divide (2011) – Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic.

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I originally posted this review back in August, and only a couple of people read it. I feel it deserves a little more attention now a few more people stop by my site, so I present to you my original review with bigger images and all (I hope I got them all!) the rookie spelling mistakes fixed! Enjoy version 2.0!

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The Divide is a post-apocalyptic science-fiction thriller directed by Xavier Gens (Frontiers). It stars Michael Biehn, Lauren German, Milo Ventimiglia and Rosanna Arquette along with a few more slightly less recognisable faces as residents of an apartment building in New York. After nuclear explosions destroy the city they have to seek refuge in the basement. We then follow these characters on a journey of survival and extreme horror as the situation continues to get worse. As I expected, coming from the director of Frontier(s) this is a very violent and graphic film but the great cast and storytelling make it worth the watch.


The film begins with an explosion and the panic as people in the apartment building we follow try to find a safe place, and a lucky few manage just in time to force their way into the buildings basement or bomb shelter. They discover how lucky they are as the superintendent, played by Biehn, has equipped the shelter with power and food and it is spacious enough for them all to occupy. So they seal the door and wait to be rescued. Little do they know how long they will be down here for and what terror awaits.


A little while later the door is forced open and armed soldiers in biohazard suits storm in, and after a struggle they kidnap one of the groups little girl. Despite killing a couple of the soldiers and trying to explore outside the shelter, the group realise there is no help coming and they are locked in their haven. Gradually tensions mount and the people start to form alliances and the trust disappears. It all goes a little bit lord of the flies and the violent nature of the film begins. Milo Ventimiglia (in a role very different to his Heroes days) takes charge of the situation and becomes the self-imposed leader, and with supplies dwindling women become no more than sexual objects and the blood starts to flow. I don’t want to give any more away, but as the pictures below show the cast really went for the realistic approach and definitely looked the part which made the film that much more scary and realistic.

milo weight loss the divide

That leads me on to the acting, and it truly was excellent by everyone involved. A very different direction than I’ve seen these actors in before, and they really went for it. I hated the ones we were meant hate and really wanted Lauren German (Hostel 2, Happy Town – think my wife and I were the only ones that watched this show!) to survive as she was the only character really who stayed true to who she was when she entered. Michael Biehn played his role great, I didn’t know whether to hate him or cheer him on his character was a bit of an enigma. As for Rosanna Arquette, fair play to her as she acted out her role incredibly, just devastating to watch her journey from entering the basement, having her child snatched away and then becoming a sex slave, really unpleasant to see someone fall that far.


The Divide was beautifully shot, a haunting scene at the end looked incredible and the deterioration of the characters was unlike any other method-style acting I have seen for a while. Considering the film received hardly any fanfare and was put straight to DVD and home video, the actors put one hell of an effort in to look the part. It was shot in chronological order and it was incredible to see the way each character declined looks-wise with hair loss, skin issues and naturally weight loss.


As the tagline says The lucky ones died in the blast and by the end I could not agree more with that. The Divide is a great film, one which I’m not in a huge rush to see again due to its difficulty to watch and disturbing content, but I really recommend it as something different and just a great movie. Any film which makes me wonder how I would react in those situations and invokes thought is worthy of a watch in my book. Whilst I would not believe I could act the way some of the people in The Divide do, in extreme conditions people can be pushed to do the unimaginable.



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  1. What a great post, I’m adding this to my watchlist now.


    • Thanks Vinnie. Some of my early work was hardly seen (like everyones early stuff I guess) and I feel films like this should get a little bit more attention. Although I know a lot of people disliked this movie. To each their own! Hope you like it if you ever get chance. Harrowing watch though 🙂


  2. might give this a wee watch Tyson. I sometimes post earlier stuff, rarely, but I should really. Early on, back in the day we both probably had perfectly good work missed so go for it man! Think this is on Netflix? Nice review matey. (Nice win today too!)


    • Thanks mate. Yeah I just look back occasionally and see something with 0 likes and comments, and feel I spent enough time on it to warrant sharing it again 🙂 With added images to improve it lol.

      Worth a watch, not an easy going happy film but very different and worthwhile I feel.

      And yeah, 6-0!! Even better when my brother supports Newcastle 🙂


      • I agree, may do the same. I mean, you know my reviews are awesome lol just like yours buddy so why not share again for the effort. May take a look back into some that didn’t get any love of my own and maybe re post. your poor brother, Newcastle are awful right now, chuffed cos’ Pardew is a dick! I feel for your Bro, even more than us!


        • Exactly!! People need to see our awesome work they might have missed!! Get em posted!! And it saves you work 😉

          Yeah I hope they get relegated, my bro has only just recovered from them going down once. Would be amazing to rub it in even more! Apparently our fans were chanting ‘Luis Suarez, he bites who he wants!’ 🙂


        • ha ha we’re quick aren’t we. We have the best chants! I like Newcastle as a club and a city, just Pardew talks bollocks.


        • And he fills his team with French players!! And dirty Tiote 🙂


  3. Garry Armstrong

     /  April 27, 2013

    Very nice review!! I love the cast, especially Michael Biehn who has been a favorite here since “Tombstone”. I’ll be your huckleberry, Johnny.


  4. I’m definitely putting this one on my list of movies to see.
    Nice review,


  5. I will eventually get around to seeing this, good review 😀


  6. Wordschat

     /  April 29, 2013

    This looks really cool Tyson. Did you find it on Netflix or stteaming? Glad you’re a FB friend I’ll keep up with the horror and the other offerings. Cheers Wordschat


    • Bought the DVD, pretty cheap too. Sure you could find it streaming over there if it takes your fancy. Worthy of a watch in my opinion.

      Look forward to your Facebook words and chat, and glad you will still be around buddy 🙂


  7. This looks pretty good, love the transformation of Milo Ventimiglia.


  8. theipc

     /  April 29, 2013

    This is a pretty good movie, but it’s a tough watch for sure, seeing everyone devolve like that.

    Captain, in the end, this question remains: who the FUCK did Arquette piss off to get this role?????????????


    • You commented on this first time round, that’s why you’re so awesome and appreciated here!

      Arquette is fantastic though isn’t she. Such a different role for her. 🙂


  9. I’ll probably watch this at some point. Cheers!


    • Well worth it in my opinion. Then watch something happy afterwards to cheer yourself up! Not a nice film this. Cheers buddy 🙂


  10. Nice one man. Not heard of this before but sounds pretty decent.


  11. This has me intrigued, nice work buddy!


  12. Derek

     /  May 6, 2013

    I really enjoyed this movie too (I think I gave it a B when I reviewed it) and Rosanna Arquette’s performance was just heartbreaking.


    • Totally different to anything she has done before, but as you say, heartbreaking to watch her journey. Thanks for stopping by Derek 🙂


  13. Always intended to come back once i watched it. I watched this last night Tyson, man it was not good, sorry dude. I will post soon with my ‘feelings’ on it. Anyway its a view and a comment to add to your count my man so that’s the sunny side 😉


  1. ‘Reviewer’s cut’: The Adjustment Bureau (2011) | Claratsi Movie Review
  2. Hostel: Parts I, II & III | Head In A Vice
  3. Frontier(s) (2007) | Head In A Vice

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